Sunday, July 26, 2015

Mariner Software Persona

What is Persona?

Go look at your library of writing tools. What do you see? Products to help create a story outline, a place to compile research, a dictionary app, spellchecking, and more. But what about your characters? What do you use to develop them, or do you just sort of, you know, let them evolve? Welcome to Persona. No matter if you’re a Mac or a Win user, Persona will help you create the strongest character possible.

Get inside your character’s head – with your Mac or PC.

Packed inside Persona are archetypal themes—good guys and bad guys. These archetypes are described in detail: personality traits, qualities, flaws, background, occupations, and how they interact with other personalities. Whether your character is a brainiac talking fish or an outcast orphanage owner, Persona helps you explore how each one’s unique psychology and background influence their dealings and dialogue. We’ve even made it possible for you to see what happens if your character becomes corrupt and turns from hero and heroine into villain or villainess.

Develop your characters; strengthen your story

The archetypes in Persona consist of 16 male and 16 female personalities, each group broken down into heroes, heroines, villains and villainesses. There’s the Action Figure, who will get the job done no matter the cost, or the Companion, a caring and selfless man. When the Action Figure loses his moral compass, he turns into the Brute, ruthless and argumentative, easily despised. The Companion, when depraved, becomes the Opportunist, betraying trust and taking advantage of others. Then there’s the Caregiver, empathic and nurturing, but when corrupted she becomes the Distracted Mother, antagonistic and disinterested.
How’s that to get your creativity revved?
“I really like this software. It’s simple to use and it has a great deal of archetypes to use. Of course this shouldn’t be the only thing you use to create a character, but what I’ve found to be helpful is that it generates ideas. When I started my character profiles I got so many ideas of what I wanted to do with them. It can be easy to think that you’ll be held in a box by this software. I don’t feel that way.”
Persona user
“The was a time earlier in my writing career that I really didn’t care how my characters evolved throughout my story. Mistake. Persona is a drop-dead simple way of making sure each character in my story is as accurate as can be. If you write, you need this app.”
Dave Winston
Persona user

We’ve made it simple.

Don’t be fooled by Persona’s spartan looks. Both the Mac and Windows version is designed to keep you focused on the task of developing your character. You can create Smart Groups based on attributes like tags, type, sex, or any word or phrase from your notes. If you’re not sure how your characters will fit together, you can construct ad hoc groups of characters without a defined relationship, in order to explore interactions. We’ve included a Names database with over 16,000 names and their origins that you can select from, or you can add your own.

Putty for Mac
Putty for Mac

Mariner Software MacGourmet Deluxe

MacGourmet Deluxe Digital recipe management — for everyone.

Going digital is firmly set as a part of your life. You create digital records of receipts and documents. Bills and invoices are emailed. You pay them electronically. You communicate to friends and family through social media venues – and it’s all done from the convenience of your Mac.
So why are you still using a recipe box with tattered and food stained recipes cards?
We know why. They are, you know, sentimental. We get that, but when you go digital with your recipes, the possibilities of what you can do are almost endless.

 We’ve got two solutions.

MacGourmet Deluxe and MacGourmet are our two powerful recipe management applications that enable you to easily create, edit, organize, and share your recipes.
  • Make notes about wine, beer, and cheese — like pairings, for example. You’ve got a Pinot Noir in your wine rack, should you pair it with Colby or Cheddar – or both? Is there a beer that goes well with apple pie?
  • Search the pantry for ingredients and use the results to plan a meal
  • Add Lists, Smart Lists, or sub-lists to categorize your recipes such as, Vegetarian, Gluten-fee, Low Fat, even “recipes from Grandmother”
  • Create shopping lists. Print out a list and take it with you, or sync it to Gourmet (for iOS), the mobile version, and check off items while you walk through the store
  • Flag the recipes that made you stand out at that dinner party

An enviable recipe collection.

MacGourmet Deluxe and MacGourmet provide two methods for adding to your collection — the Import Feature and the Clipping Feature, which eliminates the need to retype everything.
  • Bring life to your recipes with images, directions, and color
  • Select from multiple themes to customize your recipe box to fit your style
  • Add new cuisine categories — is that special Italian dish Tuscan or Sicilian?
  • Do you need special equipment for your famous cake? Add it to the kitchen equipment list
  • Illustrate the process of a recipe by including pictures and directions for each step

Putty for Mac
Putty for Mac

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Как пишут сценарии «Звездных войн», «Трансформеров» и других фильмов

В одном из недавних постов я рассказал, как можно самостоятельно издать свою книгу. Сегодня мы будем писать сценарий. Причем так, как это делают в Голливуде.

В свое время мне в руки попала интересная книжка Александра Червинского «Как хорошо продать хороший сценарий». Это был обзор американских учебников сценарного мастерства. В основе американского подхода — трехактная структура сценария, четко прописанные правила поведения персонажей. Более того, американский подход предполагает точное указание на то, что должно происходить в определенный момент фильма. У американского сценариста только одна задача — рассказать историю, обозначая действие, описание и диалог. Все остальное — задача продюсера и режиссера.
Поскольку американский стиль сценария обладает четкой структурой, он хорошо поддается оцифровке. Существует много специализированных программ для сценаристов. В целом они делятся на два класса:
  1. для построения сюжета и проработки персонажей,
  2. для построения структуры сценария.
К первой категории относятся такие программы, как Dramatica Pro, Character Pro, StoryView, Contour и другие. Ко второй категории — Final Draft, Celtx, Movie Magic Screenwriter и другие.
Программа для построения сюжета Contour разрабатывалась совместно с известным сценаристом Джеффри Шехтером («Бетховен 3» и другие). Соответственно, разработка сюжета в Contour идет по системе Шехтера.

Putty for Mac
Putty for Mac

Mariner Calc Spreadsheet app review do your household and business arithmetic while on the go

Mariner Calc Spreadsheet for iPhone is a full-featured portable spreadsheet program that offers hundreds of complex functions and dozens of useful templates. It is compatible with Microsoft Excel and can be used to view Word files, PowerPoint, PDFs, texts, and Numbers. Developed by Mariner Software, this app is optimized for both iPhone and iPad.

Work on Your Spreadsheet Files on the Go

There are probably dozens of mobile spreadsheet programs on the App Store but none can match the advanced features offered by Mariner Calc. For starters, this app offers 145 functions that include basic math operations, trigonometric functions, statistics, banking and finance, and many more. 
Mariner Calc Spreadsheet is a premium app with no additional in-app purchase options. You get the full version when you buy the app from the App Store. 
The app allows you to create a spreadsheet file from scratch. Just load it from the widget to open the spreadsheet editor. Mariner Calc optimizes the display screen to enhance the visibility of columns, rows, and cells. You can customize text appearance from the cell menu page. 
If you want to use a pre-made document with built-in function, just open the template page and choose a spreadsheet that you need. Tap the file name of the template to load the file. You can then input entries into the cells by using the on-screen keyboard. 
Once you finished editing the spreadsheet, just close the file to save it. The app automatically stores the spreadsheet in the file manager. You can then transfer files to your computer via Wi-fi connection or email. You can also print your spreadsheet directly from the app.

Best Features

Mariner Calc offers a well-designed editor suitable for the smaller screen display of mobile devices. It displays the entries in neat rows and you can view long columns by scrolling the screen sideways. The function and tool keys are conveniently arranged in a menu bar located at the bottom of the screen.
The app offers the key functions of MS Excel including multiple worksheet support and split/freeze panes. It supports copy, paste, cut, undo, and redo functions. Most important of all, Mariner Calc supports spreadsheet customization with background and border control, text alignment, color highlights, and many more.
One of the best features of this app is the template options. It allows you to create spreadsheets on the fly by choosing any template such as calendar, class schedule, gas mileage, home inventory, monthly budget, and dozens more.
And lastly, Mariner Calc offer 145 functions for automating your calculations. It supports the most common mathematical formulas as well as advanced functions including statistics, finance, and trigonometry.

Pros and Cons

  • Supports numerous arithmetic functions
  • No Internet connection is required
  • You can view documents in various formats from the app
  • Does calculations in seconds
  • Can share files via email or Wi-Fi
  • Less prone to bugs and malware
  • Smart interface that is user-friendly
  • Lacks a comprehensive tutorial 

Final Thoughts

Mariner Calc Spreadsheet for iPhone is one of the most comprehensive spreadsheet programs for mobile devices. It is compatible with MS Excel and offers dozens of unique features so you can quickly create worksheets.

Putty for Mac
Putty for Mac

MacGourmet Deluxe 4.2 B2 from Mariner Software has been released

MacGourmet Deluxe 4.2 B2 from Mariner Software has now been released. You can use coupon code ( MARS ) in the Mariner Software eStore and save 25% off new purchases and 5 pack bundles today!
MacGourmet Deluxe and MacGourmet are our two powerful recipe management applications that enable you to easily create, edit, organize, and share your recipes.
  • Make notes about wine, beer, and cheese — like pairings, for example. You’ve got a Pinot Noir in your wine rack, should you pair it with Colby or Cheddar – or both? Is there a beer that goes well with apple pie?
  • Search the pantry for ingredients and use the results to plan a meal
  • Add Lists, Smart Lists, or sub-lists to categorize your recipes such as, Vegetarian, Gluten-fee, Low Fat, even “recipes from Grandmother”
  • Create shopping lists. Print out a list and take it with you, or sync it to Gourmet (for iOS), the mobile version, and check off items while you walk through the store
  • Flag the recipes that made you stand out at that dinner party

Putty for Mac
Putty for Mac